Tangled up in Wilkie Collins

Emerson Bennett, Wild Scenes on the Frontiers, p. 254

“In Praise of Spiders,” my essay on Wilkie Collins, on the occasion of Vintage republishing his novel The Woman in White in the U.K., appears in the 11 September 2008 issue of the London Review of Books. You have to be a subscriber to read it online. Please do subscribe! It pays my bills.

UPDATE (Sept. 3): Bonus! In the very same issue of the LRB, the novelist, friend of Steamboats, and fellow blogger Liz Brown has written “Miss Lachrymose,” a review of a new Doris Day biography by David Kaufman. Liz takes on Charles Manson, one of the Andrews sisters armed with a baseball bat, and the mystery of identity in singing. Don’t miss!

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